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Count the Number of Rows in All Tables in a SQL Server Database

If you're working with SQL Server databases, you might often find yourself needing to quickly get the count of rows for each table within a database. This can be helpful for various tasks such as data analysis, debugging, or performance tuning. In this article, we will cover a SQL script that will help you to fetch the number of rows in all the tables in a SQL Server database.

 -- Switch to your database

USE YourDatabaseName; -- Replace 'YourDatabaseName' with the name of your database

-- Declare variables



-- Create a temporary table to store the results

CREATE TABLE #TableCounts (

    TableName VARCHAR(255),

    RecordCount INT


-- Create a cursor to loop through all the tables


SELECT table_name

FROM information_schema.tables

WHERE table_type = 'BASE TABLE'

-- Open the cursor and fetch the first table into @TableName

OPEN TableCursor

FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName

-- Loop through all tables to get the row count



    SET @SQL = 'INSERT INTO #TableCounts (TableName, RecordCount) SELECT ''' + @TableName + ''', COUNT(*) FROM ' + @TableName

    EXEC sp_executesql @SQL

    FETCH NEXT FROM TableCursor INTO @TableName


-- Close and deallocate the cursor

CLOSE TableCursor


-- Display the results

SELECT * FROM #TableCounts

-- Drop the temporary table

DROP TABLE #TableCounts


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