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Showing posts from June, 2023

Master SQL Server: 7 Beginner-Friendly Lessons by Professor Airton

  Learn SQL Server in a simple and practical way with the 7 amazing lessons taught by the talented professor Airton, who works at our company Autocom3. And the best part: the content is completely free and you have permission to share it freely! If you're just starting your journey in the world of SQL Server, you can't miss this opportunity to learn from an expert. The lessons have been carefully prepared to meet the needs of beginners and cover everything from basic concepts to more advanced topics. Here are some of the topics covered in the lessons: Introduction to SQL Server: Get to know the environment and essential tools. Fundamental SQL commands: Learn the key commands for data manipulation. Table creation and relationships: Understand how to create and manage tables in SQL Server. Advanced querying: Explore advanced query features to obtain accurate information. Functions and stored procedures: Use functions and stored procedures to automate tasks and improve performance