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Showing posts from January, 2022

Speeding up SQL Server Management Studio Startup

SQL Server Management Studio typically takes a minute or so to start on my machine. I just figured it was a slow app, but then I saw it load much faster on another machine. Searching for a solution led me to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio is too Slow ( , which nicely solved the problem. Now it starts up in five seconds. As the link may be broken in the future, I will transcribe the solution below: In a corporate environment it is not uncommon for Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for SQL Server to take over 45 seconds to start as well as lags and delays when opening various windows and dialog boxes from within the application. If you are experiencing this issue, then a quick fix is to add an entry in your HOSTS. file that points to Exit SSMS Press the keys [Win] + [R] Enter the following.. notepad %systemroot%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts. Append the following.. Save the file. Start SSMS (ah! much

Operating with #TEMP tables in SQL SERVER

 Temporary tables are created in the TempDB database and can be classified into Local and Global: Local Temporary Tables are created with the prefix "#" and have restricted visibility for the connection responsible for their creation; other connections do not "see" the table. Global Temporary Tables are created with the prefix "##" and are visible by all connections Syntax: CREATE TABLE #Tablename      (       fieldnameA varchar(80),       fieldnameB money      ) Temporary tables are widely used when we need to gather several records from several tables in a single selection and display them in any application (eg Delphi, Visual FoxPro, Visual Studio, ASP.NET, etc.) Check if a temp table exists and delete if it exists before creating a temp table IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Tablename') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Results GO CREATE TABLE #TableName ( test CHAR(3)) GO SELECT * from #TableName GO

KEY - KEY - Generic activation keys - 180 DAYS - Windows Key - Licenses

Generic installation keys Commonly used in response files - ANSWER FILE All examples provided are installation keys only;  they will not activate your installed version of Windows.  These are the default keys that are entered if you choose to skip entering a product key during the installation process. The product keys listed in this section can be used with any of the answer files and scripted examples.  They are locked in the Microsoft clearing center and therefore cannot be used to activate any system.  They provide several days for you to complete the activation process.  The keys provided are not architecture dependent. It is absolutely essential that you use the correct type of key, which is a function of the edit type.  Choose the key corresponding to the edition of Windows you want to install . Windows Edition Product Key Windows Vista Starter X9PYV-YBQRV-9BXWV-TQDMK-QDWK4 Windows Vista Home Basic RCG7P-TX42D-HM8FM-TCFCW-3V4VD Windows Vista Home Premium X

Microsoft SQL Server Internal Database Versions and Compatibility Levels

A database created by a more recent version of   Microsoft SQL Server   cannot be attached or restored to an earlier version. This restriction is there because an older version cannot know about file format changes that were introduced in the newer release. If you attempt to attach a database to an earlier version, you will get SQL Server error  948  with the internal version numbers listed in the error message text: -- Attaching SQL2019 database to SQL2017 CREATE DATABASE Database2019 ON ( FILENAME = N'C:\SqlServerData\Database2019.mdf' ), ( FILENAME = N'C:\SqlServerData\Database2019_log.ldf' ) FOR ATTACH ; Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Could not open new database 'Database2019'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted. Msg 948 , Level 20, State 1, Line 1 The database 'Database2019' cannot be opened because it is version 904 . This server supports version 869 and earlier. A downgrade path is not supported. The internal database versions for SQL Serve

Always selecting the last line added in the listbox using the visual foxpro.

  Add the code below in the ADDITEM method of the listbox: LPARAMETERS citem IF _screen.Visible = .T. THIS.SETFOCUS() KEYBOARD '{DNARROW}' THIS.SELECTED(THIS.LISTCOUNT) = .T. ENDIF

Incorrect syntax near 'GO' - How to Solve???

Incorrect syntax near 'go' in SQL Server Management Studio SQL Server Management Studio cannot handle some unprintable characters. Check the newline characters, you probably have Linux (LF) or Mac (CR) style instead of Windows style (CR and LF).  You can check with any advanced text editor, for example Notepad++  To solve, in notepad++, select the entire document, go to EDIT > END OF LINE CONVERSION > CONVERT TO WINDOWS Don't forget to save the file with the changes. That's all... Now it will work!!!!

SQLCMD - Run Transact-SQL Script Files from MS-DOS Prompt

Create a script file To create a simple Transact-SQL script file using Notepad, follow these steps: Click   Start  , select   All Programs  , go to   Accessories ,   and then click   Notepad  . Copy and paste the following Transact-SQL code into Notepad: Save the file as   myScript.sql   on drive C. USE AdventureWorks2012; GO SELECT p.FirstName + ' ' + p.LastName AS 'Employee Name', a.AddressLine1, a.AddressLine2 , a.City, a.PostalCode FROM Person.Person AS p INNER JOIN HumanResources.Employee AS e ON p.BusinessEntityID = e.BusinessEntityID INNER JOIN Person.BusinessEntityAddress bea ON bea.BusinessEntityID = e.BusinessEntityID INNER JOIN Person.Address AS a ON a.AddressID = bea.AddressID; GO Run the script file Open a command prompt window. In the Command Prompt window, type:   sqlcmd -S myServer\InstanceName -i C:\myScript.sql Press ENTER. A list of Adventure Works employee names and addresses is written i